Monday, January 26, 2015

Repairing Concrete and Foundation with Helical Piles

Sinkholes in Florida have become a major concern to home and business owners, causing dangerous safety issues that go far beyond simple cracks in the foundation of a structure. When working with new construction we are usually brought in by geological engineers who have already assessed the situation for danger and have recommended a more stringent and solid foundation, such as those that use helical piles. We will employ multiple methods to our foundations where sinkholes are known to be a problem--usually soilstabilization and void filling to start. But what if you already own a home or business that may be effected by sinkholes? 
Are there horizontal or spider cracks in the foundation? If so, this is a sign of unstable soil beneath the foundation that can cause dangerous issues in the future. We’ve all seen the worst case scenario here in Florida. It doesn’t take a home falling into the ground for this to be an issue. Smaller damage comparatively like those foundation issues that cause the separation of drywall or intrusion of water can also over time lead to lead to severe (and expensive) problems. 

When it comes to sinkholes the most cost effective (not to mention safe) methods of foundation support and repair is the use of helical piles. These piles are large metal piles that work like that of a large screw, attaching your foundation to the solid earth far beneath the surface. Due to the screw-like nature of these piles what you get is foundation repair that is fast, safe and welcomingly unobtrusive. Helical piles require neither cure time, nor use of large construction machinery.  

Florida’s geology can be at times quite challenging and therefore we employ the best workers and educated technicians whose prior experience with sinkholes enable them to stave off problems that may otherwise occur. Call Southern Coast Foundation Systems today!

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